Sunday, May 25, 2008

ASEP began offering the courses online courses

About ASEP

"ASEP is committed to improving amateur sport by encouraging coaches, officials, administrators, parents, athletes and embrace the" athletes first, winning second philosophy and providing education to bring the philosophy at work. "
-- Rainer Martens, Ph.D., founder of the ASEP

The beginnings of ASEP

In early 1970, Rainer Martens, sports psychologist and physical education professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is studying the psychological aspects of youth sports. Through its research and pioneering work of the Canadian Association of Coaches, Martens took the view that a major means of improving amateur sport in the USA was to improve the education of coaches. Thus, in 1976, he founded the American Effectiveness Coaching Program (ACEP), which later extended to the American Sport Education Program (ASEP). Although the training of coaches is a priority with ASEP, today education programs for officials, sports administrators, parents and athletes are all part of the ASEP educational agenda.

ASEP is one of seven divisions of Human Kinetics, also founded by Martens in 1974. The company is an international sport, physical activity and health resources with over 300 employees and subsidiaries in Canada, Europe and Australia.

In 1981, Martens produced and published the first course of the ASEP, which focused on coaching and the basic philosophy of sport science, sports medicine and sports management. In 1986, 1400 ASEP has certified instructors who trained more than 50000 coaches. In 1994, ASEP has added educational programs and resources for volunteer coaches, officials, parents, administrators and sports community youth sports programs, the national sport of youth organizations, military and religious and sports organizations.

In 1990, the National Federation of State High School Associations in partnership with ASEP to offer versions of the school's most popular ASEP Coaching Principles and Sports First Aid course. During the next 15 years, ASEP and NFHS worked tirelessly with the school activity associations to implement these courses as required education, or if not necessary, at least highly recommended for all school coaches.

In 2006, with the ASEP / NFHS partnership has ended, ASEP now works directly with over 40 secondary schools state associations in the delivery of professional coaches ASEP Education Program to more than 25000 cars per year.

From 2001, ASEP began revising its high school program, calling the Bronze level, which consisted of two courses mentioned above and a new series of coaching technique and tactical skills for each course high of sport school. In addition to update and broaden the curriculum in 2004,that coaches can take anywhere they could access the Internet.
Advanced training for coaches

In early 1990, ASEP developed a series of advanced courses based on coaching the sport sciences of physiology, psychology of sport, sport and biomechanics. These courses were mainly used in colleges and universities and training courses are currently under review for release as part of the curriculum Silver level. Sport Mechanics for coaches and physiology for coaches are the first pieces of Silver level to be released.
The training of volunteer coaches

Although most of the ASEP efforts have been focused on secondary education and training of coaches of the club, the education of volunteer coaches has been and remains a major objective. ASEP coaching young athletes courses for volunteer coaches has been launched in 1981, but it is more complete than the young professionals of the sport were willing to offer their coaches. Thus, in early 1990, ASEP has launched a series of coaches Rookie Guide [sport], which later became the supervision of young [Sport] series. These texts, with an instructor and guide instructional video, it is easier for young directors of sport to educate coaches. At the end of 1990, ASEP developed a series of videos companion these texts which have demonstrated the technical and tactical skills of the sport.

Over the years, many youth sports have adopted the ASEP coaches volunteers Education Program courses, but three barriers have limited their widespread adoption: money to buy the course, the lack of administrators time to teach classes and the logistical challenge of putting together volunteers for face-to-face instruction. In 2003, ASEP began the liberation of youth, sport Coaching series of online courses. Now, coaches can attend classes at their convenience and without travel expenses. Busy sport for young professionals do not need to organize training sessions and prepare to teach the courses.
ASEP diversifies

During the years 1990, ASEP produced a series of five texts for school sports administrators, developed a kit of Arbitration for Sport of young professionals to provide basic education officials to volunteer, and a product Innovative SportParent Kit. ASEP has published its first official Principles online course in 2003, and in partnership with the NFHS, issued a series of methods online courses official for high school sports and other national sport.

ASEP was the sport in the education business for almost 30 years, and although more than 1 million coaches have participated in courses ASEP during this period, the ASEP of work is largely incomplete . More than 3.5 million cars, nearly 1 million officials, sports administrators 300000, 80 million parents, and 30 million young athletes in the USA can benefit from the ASEP of training courses and resources. Thus, although ASEP is proud of its achievements, its objective is to provide the highest quality education for all who are involved in sport.

Telephone: 217-351-5076.

Fax: 217-351-2674 E-mail: @ hkusa ASEP.

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