Children must be greater than the amount of physical activity in 2004
Reston, VA, December 30, 2003 - - Five years after releasing the first physical activity guidelines for children five to 12 years, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) is increasing the recommended amount. The first of four new guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours of physical activity per day. This is not surprising considering the fact that no activity has contributed to the obesity epidemic and sedentary living is a known threat to health.
"With the increase of overweight and physically inactive fare for children, the community should now be focused attention to help families and schools across the country play an important guide this," said NASPE President George Graham, Ph.D., from Pennsylvania State University. "School is very important to increase physical activity of children because school programs can affect the behavior of ALL children on a daily basis."
The lead author revised Physical Activity for Children: A Statement of Guidelines for Children Ages 5-12, are Drs. Charles B. Corbin and Robert P. Pangrazi from Arizona State University. Objectives of this document is to provide parents, doctors, physical education teachers, classroom teachers, physical activities of youth, school administrators, and all dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle physically for children with guidelines about appropriate physical activity for children -pre-adolescent children.
Summary Guidelines
Among the recommendations are as follows:
* Children must collect at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours, and age appropriate physical activity at all, or most days of the week.
* Children should participate in several bouts of physical activity for 15 minutes or more each day.
* Children should participate each day in various age appropriate activities with the physical that is designed to achieve optimal health, health, fitness and performance benefits.
* Extended periods (the period of two hours or more) there is no activity for small children, especially in daylight hours.
"To help bring the results of this guide for parents and schools need to set specific times each day for activities such as physical activity before school, recess, physical education classes, and activities after the lunch break," said Charles Corbin. "In a quality school physical education programs, physical education teachers must:
* Expose Youth to various physical activities
* Teach physical skills to help maintain fitness and health of a lifetime
* Encourage self-monitoring so that the young can see how active they are and define their own goals
* Individualize intensity of activities
* Focus on the feedback from you, do not in the best products
* Be active role model.
"Perhaps the single most important to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary activities such as watching television and computer time is after school between 3 and 6 of this is a time when children can be active, but not often. Many children This is not active during the time period through no fault of their own. Parents should help their children find safe and fun opportunity to be active during this period. exception is a special time set aside each day, the opportunity to become active will travel as obstacles to the activities often physically large. "
When asked about barriers to promote physical activity, the researchers said, "Without question, the number one barrier to physical activity in schools is the perception that time spent in activities such as physical education and recess will disrupt the academic learning. The evidence does not support this assumption. We now know is the time to make physical education and physical activity does not reduce academic learning and may actually increase it.
"Our research shows that children who are physically active during the day in school are much more likely to be physically active after school also. Energy begets energy! With a more appropriate and adults who feel they do better. This is also applicable to children. "
Corbin said, "The bottom line is that live sedentary contribute to obesity and chronic disease later in life. Starting the activity habit at a young age is very important. Children need at least 60 minutes and up to several hours a day-to-day activities. Can accumulated in many short (at least 15 minutes) and the intermittent bouts event does not need to continue to be undertaken in the period of training for adults. The non-active (more than two hours in length) is small. "
To order a copy of the new physical activity guidelines, visit the online bookstore at or phone 1-800-321-0789. Cost is $ 12 for NASPE / AAHPERD members, and $ 16 for non-members. Shares number is 304-10276.
Information about the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) can be found on the Internet at NASPE, the largest of the six national associations of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), a non-profit membership organization more than 18,000 professionals in physical fitness and activity areas. NASPE is the only national association dedicated to strengthening basic knowledge about sport and physical education among professionals and the general public. Putting the knowledge that a reality in schools and communities across the country is important to improve academic performance, social reform and individual health.